Saturday, February 7, 2009

A Sunday of Shopping

I have the perfect day planned tomorrow.
Pilates at 10, massage at 11, followed by a day of serious shopping.

I think I'll start at Macy's. This weekend when you wear red Macys will give you 20% off of your purchase. Seriously! Macy's supports Go Red For Women - the American Heart Association's nationwide campaign to wipe out heart disease, the #1 killer of women. This effort celebrates our power to band together and fight back. One in three women dies from cardiovascular disease—and that number is simply too high. The good news? There's something we can do about it. It's time to take charge and give your heart the love it deserves! So this weekend remember to wear red and you'll find an additional 20% savings instore at Macy's and at using promo code WEARRED.

Next I'm off to Victoria's Secret. Valentine's day is quickly approaching so something new is a must. I can save $15 off $100 with code BUYVS on or in store automatically. Plus I live in the cotton low rise hipsters so I may as well snatch up a few pairs of those.

And lastly it's off to French Connection where I don't have any savings to share, but I've been obsessing over this lucy jersey dress and I think it would be perfect to wear out in Vegas next weekend with my fiance.


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