Sunday, February 1, 2009

Breakfast of Champions

It's a big day, it being the Super Bowl and all. Everyone knows that with the Super Bowl comes a big blow out Super Bowl party full of food and beer. Therefore, one ought to be equipped for the festivities by having a healthy breakfast. My choice would be the breakfast of champions, AKA french toast. French toast is full of exactly what my body needs today. Carbs. Carbs which will not only give me energy, but will also help me soak up all of the shots Lola is going to force down my throat in her caring "I just want to do whats best for you" sort of way. "Here take this" she always says, "it will make you feel better promise chica, go on... that's a good girl." Yes she truly cares about my well being and making sure that we're always enjoying ourselves. In fact, just last night she was concerned about our vitamin C intake so she thoughfully produced a round of shots that were so healthy tasting, no one would ever guess that she had cleverly disguised copius amounts of vodka into each and every tiny cup. You could say she's a devil in a blue dress. You know, the one who is so thoughtful, sweet looking, some would even say innocent. But, while you're looking the other way, she pulls out a flask, fills your drink full of vodka and the next thing you know you wake up at home with no recollection of the prior evening's events including; how did I get home; how how much did I have to drink; was I dancing on a table; where is my top; etc. Everyone should have a friend like Lola. And now that I have had my breakfast of champions I am ready for todays events. So bring it.


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