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Wednesday, February 11, 2009
The Little Black Book
Saturday, February 7, 2009
A Sunday of Shopping
I have the perfect day planned tomorrow.
Pilates at 10, massage at 11, followed by a day of serious shopping.
I think I'll start at Macy's. This weekend when you wear red Macys will give you 20% off of your purchase. Seriously! Macy's supports Go Red For Women - the American Heart Association's nationwide campaign to wipe out heart disease, the #1 killer of women. This effort celebrates our power to band together and fight back. One in three women dies from cardiovascular disease—and that number is simply too high. The good news? There's something we can do about it. It's time to take charge and give your heart the love it deserves! So this weekend remember to wear red and you'll find an additional 20% savings instore at Macy's and at using promo code WEARRED.
Next I'm off to Victoria's Secret. Valentine's day is quickly approaching so something new is a must. I can save $15 off $100 with code BUYVS on or in store automatically. Plus I live in the cotton low rise hipsters so I may as well snatch up a few pairs of those.
And lastly it's off to French Connection where I don't have any savings to share, but I've been obsessing over this lucy jersey dress and I think it would be perfect to wear out in Vegas next weekend with my fiance.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Breakfast of Champions
It's a big day, it being the Super Bowl and all. Everyone knows that with the Super Bowl comes a big blow out Super Bowl party full of food and beer. Therefore, one ought to be equipped for the festivities by having a healthy breakfast. My choice would be the breakfast of champions, AKA french toast. French toast is full of exactly what my body needs today. Carbs. Carbs which will not only give me energy, but will also help me soak up all of the shots Lola is going to force down my throat in her caring "I just want to do whats best for you" sort of way. "Here take this" she always says, "it will make you feel better promise chica, go on... that's a good girl." Yes she truly cares about my well being and making sure that we're always enjoying ourselves. In fact, just last night she was concerned about our vitamin C intake so she thoughfully produced a round of shots that were so healthy tasting, no one would ever guess that she had cleverly disguised copius amounts of vodka into each and every tiny cup. You could say she's a devil in a blue dress. You know, the one who is so thoughtful, sweet looking, some would even say innocent. But, while you're looking the other way, she pulls out a flask, fills your drink full of vodka and the next thing you know you wake up at home with no recollection of the prior evening's events including; how did I get home; how how much did I have to drink; was I dancing on a table; where is my top; etc. Everyone should have a friend like Lola. And now that I have had my breakfast of champions I am ready for todays events. So bring it.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
The Driving Range
so, i've started learning how to golf, and i must say, it doesn't scare me as much as it used to. it's a whole different world when you have someone actually teaching you how to play and not yelling at you about how not to play. i now have my own shoes (they're so cute!), my own glove (it has a ball marker) and some clubs that are on loan from a friend. i even bought some stupid girly balls for when i play my first game, months and months from now. last night was my 2nd "official" night at the range, and while i was quite nervous at first (even after 3 shots of sake), i did pretty well. with so much to remember every time you swing the club (bend your knees, stand over the ball, keep your head down, left arm straight, right arm tucked, rotate your shoulders, bring the club back slow, right knee locked, don't twist your wrists, follow through, don't try and watch where the ball goes, breathe...), it's a wonder that i was able to hit almost every single ball from that bucket. it took me a while (about an hour - lol), but with the exception of about 10 or 15 balls, it was all me. not without instruction, of course, but i actually made contact with the ball more than a dozen times. a couple times out to 75-yards and once (with a 7 iron) to about 90-yards. i'm nowhere near ready to go to the driving range on my own, nor am i ready to step foot on an actual course (unless i'm caddying for someone, i guess), but with time and practice, i hope to play my first game by the end of summer.
i'll keep you posted.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Today would mark the 1st lunch break I've taken in... I dunno... 3 months or so?
I met up with fellow Peach - Lola for some nose worthy gossip and a quick bite at Century City's new Rock Sugar. A Pan-Asian Fusion restaurant. They have an incredibly comprehensive menu with dishes originating from India, Japan, Thailand and China coupled with a Pacific Island flair. The decor certainly helps you feel as if you've escaped from LA, which is exactly what we were hoping for!
We started off with a lightly baked whole rice wafer/ bread substitute which was served with a tomato chipotle. Interesting, and delicious!
After a bit of "catching up" we were finally able to peruse the menu and pick out a few options. Wanting a taste of everything, we decided on Asparagus and Green beans sauteed in Black Bean Sauce, Chicken Satay & Beef Skewers which were both served with sweet mango and peanut sauce. All phenomenal. The black bean sauce has a unique meaty flavor that I would dip just about anything into. However, if I had to choose a favorite, it would've been the Beef Skewer dipped in sweet mango sauce. De-lish!
Needless to say, we're now stuffed and back at work, trying not to think about the delicious Beef Skewers.
I'm seeing another visit in the very near future, perhaps Happy Hour.
Till then,
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
I'm feeling pretty good today. I didn't drink very much which is probably why I was alseep by midnight. Not to bad! Now, do I continue this craziness and go out again tonight??? There's a great band playing, but I know I'll get buzzed and not be home until at least one.
But again, i'm still young and hip. I can do this! I think.